
On request

3 days



Certificate of Participation



Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich, Dr. Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper

1295 €

Recognized as Bildungszeit
Category: Tag:


This course aims to transform the perspective on brand management of its participants. Before delving into the depths of brand experience, participants take a brief look at its foundation – the fundamental knowledge of brand management. Brands are more than just logos, they are living stories that evoke emotions and shape identities. In this intensive 3-day workshop, participants will collectively explore the building blocks of these stories, from basic methods for measuring brand perception to the application of the powerful concept of the brand steering wheel. This workshop will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to elevate their brand management to a new level.

Learning goals

Upon completion of the course, participants will be familiar with basic methods for measuring brand perception. They will have a deep understanding of the methodology of the brand steering wheel and will apply this concept to their own or external brands. Participants can derive specific recommendations for brand leadership and understand how consumers perceive brands. They will learn how companies can deliberately control brand perception, with a focus on managing the customer brand experience. Participants will be introduced to the process model of the customer journey and the method of customer journey mapping, enabling them to apply these concepts to exemplary brands and derive concrete recommendations for shaping the customer brand experience.


  • What is a brand?
  • Methods for brand perception
  • Brand steering wheel and its application
  • Insights for one's own brand
  • Developing a brand steering wheel for one's own or a fictional brand
  • Capturing one's own brand perception, uncovering perceptual differences and deriving development strategies
  • Dimensions of customer experience and their capture in customers
  • Process model of customer experience method customer journey map and application to exemplary brands Insights for managing the customer brand experience
  • Insights for the management of the customer brand experience
The course is divided into a theoretical and a practical component, each lasting approximately 12 hours.

Target group

The course is aimed at middle management or executives.

This course is recognized as Bildungszeit according to paragraph § 10 (5) of the Berliner Bildungszeitgesetz (BiZeitG).


Interest and curiosity in the topic.


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Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich has held the Chair of Digital Markets at Technische Universität Berlin since February 2021. Previously, she was Chair of Service Management and Technology Marketing at the University of Paderborn. She is also an International Faculty Member of the Center for Service Leadership at Arizona State University, Tempe/USA. She completed her studies in history and sociology at the Ruhr University Bochum as Magistra Artium and her studies in economics and social sciences at the University of Dortmund as Diplom-Kauffrau. She has been researching digital transformations from an economic perspective since her doctorate at the Technical University of Munich on the topic of smart services. Her research focuses on consumer behaviour in digital markets, consumer acceptance of technologies (e.g. AI-based assistants, social robots, chatbots) and the use of digital platforms as well as the management of digital transformation, the development of platform business models and the offering of smart services and products. She has published in leading journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Retailing and Journal of Business Research. Prof. Dr. Wünderlich has received numerous national and international awards, including from the American Marketing Association (SERVSIG), the Society of Marketing Advances, the Academy of Marketing Science, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Dr. Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper joined the Department of Digital Markets at Technische Universität Berlin in February 2021 as a Research Associate. She completed her doctorate in economics as well as her studies in business administration at the University of Paderborn, where she also worked as a Research Assistant at the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Service Management, from 2013. She is particularly interested in the topics of customer experience and brand management as both an integral part of teaching, as well as a critical source of support for medium-sized companies in terms of the practical application of research methodologies and findings.

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