Academic Standards of the TU Berlin

Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß
Academic Director of the TU Berlin Academy for Professional Education
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß received his diploma, doctorate and habilitation in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe (today the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT). After interim positions at IBM Research (Yorktown Heights), the Universities of Helsinki, Ilmenau and Paderborn, he moved to the Chair of Communication and Operating Systems at Technische Universität Berlin in 2001. From 2012 to 2022 he was Vice President for Studies and Teaching and from 2018 was also responsible for Digitisation and Sustainability at Technische Universität Berlin. In connection with this office, he was also chairman of the steering committee of the Berlin Centre for Higher Education Teaching from 2014 until 2022.
Prof. Dr. Heiß was also chairman of the Faculty day for Computer Sciences from 2009 – 2014, President of the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE) from 2009 – 2014, Vice President of Informatics Europe from 2012 – 2014 and Chairman of 4ING, the umbrella organisation of the Faculty Associations of Engineering and Computer Science, from 2015 – 2016.
Prof. Dr Heiß is Academic Director of the TU Berlin Academy for Professional Education and Chair of the Academic Board. He is also currently involved in several working groups on education and training in engineering at the VDI, the National MINT Forum, and SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) and is a member of IACEE (International Association of Continuing Engineering Education). Furthermore, he is active as an expert in accreditation and evaluation procedures.

Prof. Dr. Annette Mayer
Prof. Dr. Annette Mayer
Head of the Central Institution for Scientific Continuing Education and Cooperation
Prof. Dr. Annette Mayer received her doctorate summa cum laude from BTU Cottbus in 1997 and was awarded the venia legendi for economics after her habilitation in 2002. She then worked at the FOM University of Applied Sciences in Berlin as a Manager and Professor of economics. In 2006, she became Vice-Rector for Research and in 2008 she became Vice-Rector for Teaching for all FOM locations while simultaneously teaching. In October 2010, Prof. Dr. Mayer was appointed founding rector and Professor of the German Open Business University for Economics and Administration in Berlin.
Since September 2015 she has been the Director of the Central Institution for Continuing Education and Cooperation (ZEWK) at Technische Universität Berlin, as well as Director of the Center for Junior Scholars (CJS), a role she took on in 2010. She is also program spokesperson and lecturer of the postgraduate Master’s program in Science Management at TU Berlin. In the Berlin University Alliance, Prof. Dr. Mayer is a member and co-spokesperson of the board of the Berlin Leadership Academy and TU Berlin’s representative in the expert group of the Graduate Studies Support Program.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Müller-Kirchenbauer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Müller-Kirchenbauer
Head of Chair for Energy and Resource Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Müller-Kirchenbauer chairs the Department for the Management of Energy and Resources at the Faculty for Technology and Management at Technische Universität Berlin. He is Dean for the English language advanced master programs at TU Berlin’s Campus EUREF.
After graduating from TU Berlin and the Research Centre Jülich he worked as a consultant for German and European regulators and ministries, including the European Commission. He was appointed Deputy Director of Energy Regulation at the German Federal Network Agency and subsequently as Professor at Technische Universität Clausthal, where he created and established the Chair for Gas Supply at the Institute for Petroleum Engineering, before returning to his alma mater TU Berlin as a full-time professor.

Prof. Dr. Marc Toussaint
Prof. Dr. Marc Toussaint
Head of Department of Intelligent Systems
Marc Toussaint was appointed Professor of Intelligent Systems at Technische Universität Berlin in March 2020 and was Max Planck Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut for Intelligent Systems from 2018 – 2021. In 2017/18, he spent a year as Visiting Scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as several months as a Team Leader with Amazon Robotics. In addition, has been Professor for Machine Learning and Robotics at the University of Stuttgart since 2012.
Prof. Dr Toussaint’s research combines AI planning, optimisation and machine learning to tackle fundamental problems in robotics. Prof. Dr Toussaint’s research combines AI planning, optimisation and machine learning to tackle fundamental problems in robotics.
His work was awarded best paper at R:SS’18 and ICMLA’07, and runner-up at R:SS’12 and UAI’08 and includes more than 170 peer-reviewed publications in leading AI and robotics conferences and journals.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem
Head of Department of Quality Science
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität Berlin and graduated with a German Diploma. He was then a Project Engineer at a mechanical engineering company in Berlin before working as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at TU Berlin. Prof. Dr. Jochem served as Department Head of Process Management at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK) in Berlin, after which he moved to Bosch-Siemens-Hausgeräte GmbH to take up a role as Process Organiser. He wrote his doctorate at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at Technische Universität Berlin. Before his appointment as a University Professor for Quality Science at TU Berlin, he was responsible for the Department of Quality and Process Management at the University of Kassel.
He is also an Extraordinary Professor of Quality Management at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. He has authored over 80 publications including 10 books as editor/author. His scientific work has received several awards at international conferences.

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Rahmel
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Rahmel
Managing Director of Chemical Invention Factory
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Rahmel has been the Director of the Chemical Invention Factory at Technische Universität Berlin since 2020 and is responsible for building an ecosystem to enable innovation in green chemistry through successful transfer. His is also Managing Director and Co-founder of DexLeChem GmbH, a science-based spin-off from the “UniCat” cluster of excellence.
He returned to the university as an entrepreneur and supports over 15 different spin-off and technology transfer projects. He graduated from Technische Universität Berlin in 2005 in the field of industrial engineering with a specialisation in technical chemistry. From 2005 to 2010 he was Research Assistant at the Chair of Strategic Corporate Management, also at TU Berlin. As a passionate fly fisherman, he is also the first chairman of an environmental protection association whose more than 140 members are actively involved in the renaturation and resettlement of Atlantic salmon in Brandenburg.

Dr. Ulrike Hillemann-Delaney
Dr. Ulrike Hillemann-Delaney
Head of International Office
Dr. Ulrike Hillemann-Delaney has been Head of the International Office at Technische Universität Berlin since April 2017. She brings many years of experience in science management, science diplomacy and the development of international cooperation. She was previously Deputy Head of Science and Innovation at the British Embassy in Berlin and Head of International Strategy and Partnerships at Imperial College London. She holds a PhD in History from the University of Cambridge and a Master of Arts in History from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.

Prof. Dr. Birgit Beck
Prof. Dr. Birgit Beck
Head of the Department of Ethics and Philosophy of Technology
Prof. Dr. Birgit Beck has been a Junior Professor and Head of the Department of Ethics and Philosophy of Technology at the Institute for Philosophy, History of Literature, Science and Technology at Technische Universität Berlin since 2017. She works on topics in general and applied ethics, philosophical anthropology and philosophy of technology.
She obtained her doctorate at the University of Passau in 2012, after which she worked as a Research Associate in the collegiate research group Theoretical Basic Questions of the Justification of Norms in Medical Ethics and Biopolitics at the University of Münster from 2011-2013 and at the Institute for Ethics in the Neurosciences (INM-8) at Forschungszentrum Jülich, from 2014-2017. Prof. Dr. Beck is currently Vice Dean for Teaching and Studies at Faculty I and Chair of the Central Commission for Ethics in Research (KEF) at Technische Universität Berlin. She is co-editor of the series “Techno:Phil” published by J.B. Metzler and co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie (Journal of Practical Philosophy).