Prof. Dr. Jan Kratzer
Prof. Dr. Jan Kratzer
Prof. Dr. Jan Kratzer is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management and Academic Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE) at Technische Universität Berlin. In the Faculty of Economics and Management, he is Pro-Dean for Internationalization and a member of the Academic Senate of Technische Universität Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Kratzer studied sociology at the University of Leipzig and received his doctorate from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands on the topic of team communication and innovation success. Prof. Dr. Kratzer published several books and articles in the field of sustainable start-ups; people and innovation; team and project management; and creativity in social networks.
Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Prof. Dr. Knut Blind has been Professor of Innovation Economics at Technische Universität Berlin since 2006. Between 2008 and 2016, he also held the Endowed Chair in Standardization at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. In addition, he is the coordinator of the Business Unit ‘Regulation and Innovation’ at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI.
His research focuses on analysing the connection between regulation and innovation. Specifically, he deals with the impacts of regulatory framework conditions on the innovation behaviour of companies, which he explores on both a macroeconomic and microeconomic level. Specifically, he deals with the impacts of regulatory framework conditions on the innovation behaviour of companies, which he explores on both a macroeconomic and microeconomic level. In addition, he analyses standardization as a form of self-regulation in formal institutions, but also in consortia as a knowledge and technology transfer channel in the context of research and development, and in the context of public procurement, cluster promotion and state regulation as other instruments of innovation policy.
Another research focus is on intellectual property rights, from patents to open-source licenses. His publications are generally based on econometric analyses of economic statistics and other indicators, some of which he developed himself, but also on survey data. In 2017, he was elected a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) in recognition of his scientific achievements.
Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner
Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner
Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich
Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich
Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich has held the Chair of Digital Markets at Technische Universität Berlin since February 2021. Previously, she was Chair of Service Management and Technology Marketing at the University of Paderborn. She is also an International Faculty Member of the Center for Service Leadership at Arizona State University, Tempe/USA.
She completed her studies in history and sociology at the Ruhr University Bochum as Magistra Artium and her studies in economics and social sciences at the University of Dortmund as Diplom-Kauffrau. She has been researching digital transformations from an economic perspective since her doctorate at the Technical University of Munich on the topic of smart services. Her research focuses on consumer behaviour in digital markets, consumer acceptance of technologies (e.g. AI-based assistants, social robots, chatbots) and the use of digital platforms as well as the management of digital transformation, the development of platform business models and the offering of smart services and products.
She has published in leading journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Retailing and Journal of Business Research. Prof. Dr. Wünderlich has received numerous national and international awards, including from the American Marketing Association (SERVSIG), the Society of Marketing Advances, the Academy of Marketing Science, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Prof. Dr. Maik Lachmann
Prof. Dr. Maik Lachmann
Prof. Dr. Maik Lachmann heads the Department of Controlling and Accounting at Technische Universität Berlin. Before joining Technische Universität Berlin in 2014, he worked at Technische Universität Dortmund, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and several universities in the USA.
His research focuses on performance measurement, capital market reaction to accounting information, sustainability controlling and digital transformation in controlling and accounting. His research results are regularly published in leading international scientific journals as well as in practice-oriented transfer journals.
He was awarded the Prize for Exemplary Teaching by the Society of Friends of the TU Berlin in recognition of his excellence in teaching..
Dr. Massimo Moraglio
Dr. Massimo Moraglio
Dr. Massimo Moraglio is an Academic Coordinator of the MBA Sustainable Mobility Management at the Technische Universität Berlin. His research focuses on technology and its wide effects on economic, social, and cultural fields, exploring its long-term trends. He gives attention to the crucial topics of sustainability, justice, and environmental studies, focusing on transitions, futures, and cultural shifts.
Through his work in academia and consultancy, he built a wide network with industry managers, public agency officers, and NGO advocates. He has acquired and managed many research grants from national and international (both private and public) funding schemes, opening meaningful international dialogue on issues of long-term assessment of technology and its transition toward a smart and sustainable future.
His publications number 120+, encompassing books (as an author, editor, and co-editor) and articles in international journals. He has co-organized and participated in 60+ national and international conferences.
Dr.-Ing. André Baier
Dr.-Ing. André Baier
Dr.-Ing. André Baier is a philosopher. In his practice-oriented work, he brings together technology, art, and democracy (education), so that people learn to shape their living/working environment together.
In his doctoral thesis, he investigated how future engineers acquire competencies to contribute to sustainable development. He works as a PostDoc at Technische Universität Berlin and is Vice-Chairman of the Sustainability Council. He is responsible for the ’Sustainability Certificate for Students’ and for the study reform project ’Blue Engineering – Engineers with Social and Environmental Responsibility’.
Since 2015 he has been a Fellow for Innovations in Higher Education of the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany, as well as a Fellow of the Akademie Solitude since 2018. In 2019, he was awarded the Francesco Maffioli Award of Excellence for Developing Learning and Teaching in Engineering Education by SEFI, the European Society of Engineering Education. In addition, he has spent extended teaching or research stays at each of the following universities: TU Delft, The Netherlands; Aalborg University, Denmark; Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran; and the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Dr. Karina Cagarman
Dr. Karina Cagarman
Dr. Karina Cagarman has been a Research Assistant at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at Technische Universität Berlin since December 2013. She completed her PhD in Economics and her Master of Science in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at Technische Universität Berlin. She also holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Entrepreneurship, sustainability and positive psychology are the cornerstones of her teaching and research. She enthusiastically brings innovation to university teaching through new courses such as ‘Design Your Happy Life’ or ‘Entrepreneurial Well-Being’ as well as new teaching formats.
Dr. Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper
Dr. Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper
Dr. Julia Rötzmeier-Keuper joined the Department of Digital Markets at Technische Universität Berlin in February 2021 as a Research Associate. She completed her doctorate in economics as well as her studies in business administration at the University of Paderborn, where she also worked as a Research Assistant at the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Service Management, from 2013.
She is particularly interested in the topics of customer experience and brand management as both an integral part of teaching, as well as a critical source of support for medium-sized companies in terms of the practical application of research methodologies and findings.
Dr. Nicole Torjus
Dr. Nicole Torjus
Dr. Nicole Torjus has a degree in psychology and has been working at the Central Institution for Scientific Continuing Education and Cooperation (ZEWK) of the Technische Universität Berlin since the beginning of 2016. As an officer of the Graduate Studies Support of the Berlin University Alliance, she is responsible for the program focus on Mental Health and offers courses in scientific continuing education.
She completed her doctorate in the field of leadership research and has a wealth of experience in supporting young academics. She studied psychology at the Freie Universität Berlin and has several years of experience in teaching and research as a Research Assistant and freelance lecturer with a focus on business, work and organisational psychology at Berlin universities. She is a certified trainer for self-management, leadership and communication, as well as being a coach with a focus on health and stress management; and a consultant for positive psychology. She is passionate about establishing a healthy and good working environment for academics.
Prof. Dr. D. Georg Adlmaier-Herbst
Prof. Dr. D. Georg Adlmaier-Herbst
Prof. Dr. D. Georg Adlmaier-Herbst is an experienced practitioner who has worked for 15 years in the human resource department of the executive board of a global corporation. has worked for 15 years in the human resource department of the executive board of a global corporation. He has been a consultant, mentor and speaker for companies, organisations and individuals at home and abroad, for 18 years.
Since the 1990s, he has been instrumental in shaping numerous processes in industrial companies and scientific institutions. Prof. Dr. Adlmaier-Herbst is currently Honorary Professor and Scientific Director of the research unit Berlin Management Model for Digitalisation (BMM) at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts, where he is also a lecturer in the part-time Master’s program ’Leadership in Digital Innovation’. At the University of St. Gallen, he is also responsible for modules in the Executive Master of Business Engineering, lecturer for ’Leadership for the Digital Transformation’ in the certificate course ’Digital Innovation and Business Transformation’ and main lecturer in the certificate course ’HSG Management for IT Leaders 2020’.
Further information about him can be found on his website.
Prof. Dr. Justin Becker
Prof. Dr. Justin Becker
Prof. Dr. Justin Becker studied business administration, worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Marketing at Technische Universität Berlin, where he also completed his doctorate, and has been a Professor of Marketing since 2011. He has been teaching at various Berlin and international educational institutions such as the University of Arts (UdK), Technische Universität Berlin and Tongji University in Shanghai since 1997.
His main areas of expertise are marketing, market research, consumer behaviour and philosophy of science. At his agency Marketing BBB, Justin Becker advises institutions, companies and individuals on strategic marketing issues. In this context, he also offers lectures and workshops. He gained professional experience at a publishing house, in television and abroad at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and as a Market Researcher in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dr. Sang Lee
Dr. Sang Lee
Klaus G. Kammermeier
Klaus G. Kammermeier
Klaus G. Kammermeier creates and conducts workshops, learn-shops and online courses. He is a trainer, mentor and speaker on innovation, entrepreneurship and digital transformation. Mr Kammermeier is the Founder and Managing director of Cyoneer GmbH, an innovation consultancy supporting national and international corporations in their endeavour to innovate with impact. For more than 15 years, he has been leading – in technical and commercial leadership positions – multi-functional global high-performance teams in the US, Europe and Asia, to provide ground-breaking innovations.
He studied Engineering, Economics and Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences, completed ‘Global Leadership 2020‘ at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and executive education at Columbia University Business School in New York City, USA.
During the last few years, he has coached and mentored over 150 founders, startups and innovation leaders and supported startup-related research programs with Fraunhofer Institute, Helmhotz Association and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit). He teaches master students at Technische Universität Berlin (Space Engineering), Grenoble Ecole de Management (Innovation Strategy and Entrepreneurship), Glion Institute for Higher Education, and other international business schools.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Holzheu
Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Holzheu
Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Holzheu is a media architect, creative technologist and lab manager of Prototype Showcase of the Futurium Lab and the Open Lab Night, an informal learning program at Futurium Berlin. She explores the boundaries between design and material environment with a focus on functional aspects of intelligent spaces, new interactivity in space and innovative information systems. She develops and offers bespoke workshops and courses for various companies, organisations and groups, such as ReDI and Cisco Systems. She taught architectural design and media at Technische Universität Berlin, Bergen School of Architecture, and Bauhaus University Weimar.
Gabriele Grea
Gabriele Grea
Gabriele Grea is scientific consultant and researcher in the field of transport and territorial economics. His activity concerns in particular the themes of smart and sustainable mobility, infrastructures and territorial development. He has carried on projects in the fields of urban mobility, regional, urban and infrastructures planning, energy policies and ICT for transport and mobility.
He has been involved in a range of R&D Projects funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020, 7th and 6th Framework Programme, Interreg, Marco Polo, DG TREN-DG MOVE Projects) since 2002. He is an Expert Fellow at the Department of Institutional Analysis and Public Management of Bocconi University in Milan, where he is lecturer in Urban Mobility Management and Smart Cities; and sustainable and intelligent mobility in the Master Course MEMIT (Master in Economics and Management of Transportation, Logistics and Infrastructure). In addition, he teaches business modelling for sustainable mobility at Technische Universität Berlin, in the MBA in Sustainable Mobility Management.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ronald Glasberg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ronald Glasberg
Prof. Dr. Ronald Glasberg is Professor for International Strategic Management and Head of Institute for International Strategic Management & Innovations at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.
He focuses on the development of new strategic management tools and mindsets using advanced engineering mathematics to cope with unforeseen and unexpected events. His aims to formulate unique action-oriented recommendations for enterprises depending on their particular strategic, innovation, financial and risk management starting points.
Prof. Dr. Christine Gockel
Prof. Dr. Christine Gockel
Prof. Dr. Christine Gockel is Professor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences where she teaches introductory and application areas of psychology in management, in the MBA program.
In her research, she examines leadership, teamwork and humour. In her work as a coach and trainer, she focuses on the area of leading teams, especially in transformation processes. She works as a ‘Scientist-Practitioner’ with evidence-based methods and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
She studied psychology at Humboldt University in Berlin and Duke University in the USA. She earned her doctorate at Michigan State University in the USA and gained professional experience in the USA, Switzerland and Germany. She completed her training as a results-oriented coach with Prof. Dr. Siegfried Greif (ABF e.V.) and her training as a communication and behavioural trainer with artop – Institute at Humboldt University.
Prof. Dr. Eric Kearney
Prof. Dr. Eric Kearney
Prof. Dr. Eric Kearney has been a Professor of Leadership at the University of Potsdam since April 2014. Prior to this role, he was a Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Economics of Leibniz Universität Hannover. He has taught at numerous German and international universities and business schools including Freie Universität Berlin; Technische Universität Berlin; Humboldt-Universität Berlin; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Krannert School of Management / Purdue University; Central European University, Budapest; FGV, Rio de Janeiro; Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile; and Tongji University, Shanghai.
His research in leadership and team management has been published in leading international journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science and the Journal of Applied Psychology. For many years, he has advised companies and managers on the topics of leadership, motivation and teamwork.
Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly
Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly
Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly is an international academic leader, professor and researcher with more than 20 years of experience in higher education, educational technology and corporate knowledge management as well as in professional education for managers. He also has more than 10 years of international experience as a senior project manager and consultant in various technology, market and business sectors.
He is currently the Program Director for Software Engineering at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences. From 2013-2016 he worked as a Researcher at Technische Universität Berlin and since 2016, has been teaching as a Guest Lecturer in Technische Universität Berlin programs in fields including Java, machine learning and Big Data.
He is an international scholar and expert in telecommunication engineering and software development, frontend and backend development, artificial intelligence, deep learning, artificial neural networks, including the fields of pattern recognition, audio and speech processing and speech and speaker recognition, e-learning, project management and business consultancy. In addition, he is experienced in leading small companies, start-ups, projects and team leaders. He has also taken on multiple roles such as Dean and Vice Dean, Academic Researcher and Supervisor and study program creator in various public and private universities.
Dr. Lisa Handke
Dr. Lisa Handke
Dr. Lisa Handke has been a Research and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Social, Organizational, and Economic Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin since 2020. Her research focuses on the effects of information and communication technologies on working life and the optimal design of virtual teamwork.
She studied psychology in Berlin and Göttingen, received her PhD from the Technische Universität Braunschweig, was a visiting researcher at the Center for Tranformative Work Design in Perth (Australia) and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Calgary (Canada).
She is a project leader in various basic and application projects on virtual collaboration and works closely with partners from the field in her research. At the Technische Universität Braunschweig, she completed training as a career coach and conducted coaching sessions for doctoral students as well as training sessions on topics such as communication, teamwork, and stress management for students and employees.
Dr. Andreas Orthey
Dr. Andreas Orthey
Dr. Andreas Orthey is a Robotics Scientist at Realtime Robotics and Guest Lecturer at the Robotics and Biology Laboratory at Technische Universität Berlin. He obtained a PhD in robotics and computer science from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse in France. He worked as a Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) and as a Research Fellow at the AIST Institute in Tsukuba, Japan.
His research has been supported both by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Over the course of his career, he published 20+ papers on robotics, planning and optimization. Since 2021 he has been working at Realtime Robotics on industrial applications of motion planning.
Sigrid Peuker
Sigrid Peuker
Sigrid Peuker is a journalist and communications scientist. Through her work as a project manager, system administrator, online editor, research assistant and most recently as head of a start-up center, she has been familiar with technical and entrepreneurial innovations since the 1980s and knows what social and personal changes go hand in hand with them. Ms Peuker incorporates this experience into her teaching at universities and in business, in advising companies or organizing events. She also designs and coordinates courses in the field of entrepreneurship, in which the development of the entrepreneurial personality is integrated as a decisive factor.
Over the past 20 years, she has worked with more than 200 founders to develop innovations and business models. She has found the combination of methods from the arts with various communication tools and structuring approaches to be particularly helpful in bringing ideas to reality, both for start-ups and for innovations in existing companies.
Dr. Dina Deifallah
Dr. Dina Deifallah
Dr. Dina Deifallah is a Data Science and Analytics lecturer in the International University of Applied Sciences (IUBH). She is a guest lecturer in the Summer and Winter School of the Technische Universität Berlin as well as the University of Europe. She also worked as a Data Scientist and Data Science coach in multiple startups in Europe since 2018. She has a Ph.D. in Communication Engineering with a focus on AI optimization algorithms and 15+ years of experience in academic teaching.
Dr. Robin Kellermann
Dr. Robin Kellermann
Dr. Robin Kellermann has a 10 years’ history of research, project coordination, and teaching in the fields of sustainable transport and mobility at TU Berlin. His core competencies lie in social science research, technology assessment as well as political communication and consulting.
He received his doctorate in 2020 at TU Berlin and is author of numerous scientific publications ranging from the digitalization of the public transport sector to the long-term mobility effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond that, he is co-founder of Luftlabor, a research and project think tank dedicated to the application of drone technologies for the public benefit. In this context, he is consulting various German Ministries as well as the German Government regarding the future use of drone technologies.
He is currently project coordinator of Stadt-Land-Drohne, the first real-world laboratory in Germany to test the use of delivery drones to improve local supply in rural areas.
He also teaches in the MBA Sustainable Mobility Management at TU Berlin.
Dongrui Jiang
Dongrui Jiang
Dongrui Jiang is a scientific researcher in the chair of Energy and Resource Management at TU Berlin. Her research primarily focuses on energy system analysis, with a significant emphasis on data analysis in the energy field.
Since 2020, she has also been a lecturer for the “Introduction to Python Programming” course at the TU Berlin Summer and Winter University. With over 5 years of experience utilizing Python for data processing, she brings extensive practical knowledge and expertise to the field. Passionate about teaching and sharing insights, she conducts training sessions on both basic Python grammar and advanced topics such as web scraping and data analysis.
Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Schulz
Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Schulz
Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Schulz is a trainer and consultant specialising in Digital Competencies and Media Production in Higher Ed Teaching and Science Communication. She is Deputy Director of the Centre for Scientific Continuing Education and Cooperation at TU Berlin (ZEWK).
With over a decade of experience, she has mentored educators, initiated and supported teaching innovation projects, and participated in various projects related to online teaching. Having started her career as an automotive engineer and specialist journalist, she has been a member of the Continuing Education digit team since 2012. Her professional journey and interests have converged in courses and consultations on digital teaching, where she supports educators and researchers in conveying their knowledge in a target audience-oriented, learning-effective, and understandable manner.
Dr. Sigrun Abels
Dr. Sigrun Abels
Dr. Sigrun Abels is the Director of the Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China at the Technical University of Berlin. Additionally, she serves as the Managing Director of the CDHK Office Berlin (Sino-German College of Tongji University, Shanghai) at the Faculty of Economics & Management of the Technical University of Berlin.
She conducted research on China’s media during the Chinese transformation process at Ruhr-University Bochum and Nanjing University (China) and worked as a radio journalist and lecturer at Deutsche Welle both domestically and internationally. She has taught courses at Ruhr-University Bochum and the Technical University of Berlin and presents international conference contributions on media development in China.
Prof. Emeritus Johannes Küchler
Prof. Emeritus Johannes Küchler
Prof. Emeritus Johannes Küchler has been affiliated with the China Center of the Technical University of Berlin since 2005.
He studied geology and geography in Frankfurt, Innsbruck, Hamburg, and Gießen. In 1967, he earned his doctorate and subsequently worked for the VW Foundation in Hong Kong and Singapore. Since 1970, he taught at the Free University of Berlin, as well as at the universities in Osnabrück and Zurich, and the former Gesamthochschule Kassel. In 1979, he was appointed to the Technical University of Berlin, where he took on the field of “Theory and History of Landscape Development,” as well as China-related projects in garden art and urban history, land use planning, and water and soil conservation. Starting from 1989, he conducted further education projects for young professionals in environmental administrations in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, and held guest professorships in Beijing, Urumqi, Kaohsiung, and Nantong.
Dr. Tania Becker
Dr. Tania Becker
Dr. Tania Becker completed her studies in art history and comparative literature at the University of Zagreb in Croatia, as well as sinology at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Since 2011, she has been affiliated with the China Center at the Technical University of Berlin, where she engages in teaching activities and is involved in various projects.
Her research interests include classical Chinese philosophy with a focus on Daoism, hospice care and thanatosociology in contemporary China, Chinese contemporary art, as well as the development of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Till Ammelburg
Till Ammelburg
Till Ammelburg studied Chinese studies at the University of Leipzig and the Free University of Berlin, showing early interest in the dynamics of contemporary Chinese society and economy. Since 2006, he has engaged in various activities in China, and most recently worked as a consultant for German medium-sized companies in Shanghai. Since 2017, he has been back in Berlin, supporting European startups with technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence, mobility, and Industry 4.0 to establish a presence in the Chinese market through TechCode.
Dr. Susanne Stein
Dr. Susanne Stein
Dr. Susanne Stein studied Sinology and Eastern European History in Tübingen and has been an adjunct lecturer at the China Center of the Technical University of Berlin since 2010.
Her research focuses include China’s environmental history, perception and management of natural hazards in the People’s Republic of China, as well as the global transfer of urban and social planning knowledge during the 20th century. She was a research fellow (Postdoc) in the BMBF project “Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River/China (SuMa-RiO),” in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 923 “Threatened Orders,” and a fellow of the Gerda Henkel Foundation. Since 2015, she has been a Scholar at the Asian Studies Center of the University of Pittsburgh, working on her habilitation project on the topic of “China Tames Her Deserts: Development and Transformation of Inner Asian Arid Areas in the People’s Republic of China, 1950–2010.”
Dr. Eva Sternfeld
Dr. Eva Sternfeld
Dr. Eva Sternfeld is a China scholar specialized in environmental issues. Since April 2018, she has been working as the Head of Scientific Dialogue at the Sino-German Agricultural Center in Beijing on behalf of IAK Agrarconsulting.
From 2014 to 2017, she was a guest professor at the Institute of Chinese Studies at the Free University of Berlin, and from 2008 to 2014, she served as the Director of the Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China at the Technical University of Berlin. From 2000 to 2008, she worked on an environmental education project for the current Ministry of Environmental Protection and Ecology in Beijing, China, on behalf of CIM/GIZ.
Dr. Cheng Chen
Dr. Cheng Chen
Dr. Cheng Chen holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the Humboldt University of Berlin. He is a Postdoc in the working group on ‘Governance of Ecosystem Services’ at the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).
His research focus on payments for eco-system services and digitalization supporting such valorization. He has participated a number of EU Horizon and large scale German national research projects. Currently, he co-leads the Sino-German project (SinoPES) of the Sino-German Center for Science Research funded by DFG and NSFC. He also co-coordinates the DAKIS project, which uses progressive digitization and new technologies to integrate ecosystem services and biodiversity into modern agricultural production and marketing.
Dr. Stephanie Christmann-Budian
Dr. Stephanie Christmann-Budian
Dr. Stephanie Christmann-Budian studied sinology and cultural studies in Berlin, Paris, and Beijing. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2012 from the Free University of Berlin, and her research focuses on the dimensions of modern and contemporary Chinese science, technology, and innovation policy in international comparison.
Her research is based on her in-depth knowledge of the Chinese science and innovation system, which she has gained from over 12 years of practical professional experience. She worked as a scientist and policy analyst before joining the Technical University of Berlin. She has published various works in the fields of science and Chinese studies, analyzing the overall Chinese science system, as well as various Chinese strategies for the development of specific scientific or technological areas, such as artificial intelligence, green technologies, or cashless payment. Her current research focuses on recent reforms in the Chinese science system in relation to its previous development, the general political situation, and the global position of the People’s Republic of China.
Dr. Ágota Révés
Dr. Ágota Révés
Dr. Ágota Révés holds degrees (MA) in English, Sinology, and Comparative Literature from Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest. In addition, she obtained a separate degree in Theatre Directing from the Academy of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest. Her doctorate focused on a comparative analysis of the actor’s preparation process in European and traditional Chinese theatre, which she pursued at the Academy of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest.
Throughout her career, Dr. Révész has worked as a freelance stage director, translator, and project manager, with a particular emphasis on Hungary-China or EU-China projects. She has also taught China-related or theatre-related courses at various universities. Between 2010 and 2015, Dr. Révész served as a diplomat for Hungary in China. During this period, she held the position of cultural attaché in Shanghai for over four years, followed by one year as attaché for tourism in Beijing.
Dr. Almuth Wietholtz-Eisert
Dr. Almuth Wietholtz-Eisert
Dr. Almuth Wietholtz-Eisert has been with the Office of the President of the Leibniz Association for International Scientific Relations, responsible for the regions of Asia, Australia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Canada, and the United Kingdom, since 2012.
The political scientist studied in Tübingen, Bonn, and the USA, and obtained her doctorate in Oxford. She has extensive experience in science management. Since 2018, she has organized and moderated the annual China Days of the Leibniz Association, which have received significant attention within the German research community. She has been advising members of universities and research institutes on the implementation of measures related to research security.
Dr. Elke Spielmanns-Rome
Dr. Elke Spielmanns-Rome
Dr. Elke Spielmanns-Rome is an independent expert and evaluator for internationalization and quality assurance. With extensive experience both in the academic and non-academic sectors, she has accumulated a broad understanding of various cultural contexts. She maintains a wide international network of expertise.
Her academic background includes a Ph.D. in Sinology from the University of Bonn between 2010 and 2014. Prior to that, she completed a Chinese language program at the Mandarin Training Center of the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1987. She also holds a degree in translation studies (Chinese, Japanese) and communication research from the University of Bonn between 1984 and 1991. She pursued further studies in East Asian Philology from 1983 to 1984 at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 2007, she has been working as an independent expert and evaluator for internationalization and quality assurance through her company iQ! based in Bonn.
Prof. Dr. Han Zheng
Prof. Dr. Han Zheng
Prof. Dr. Han Zheng is Chair Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Sino-German School for Postgraduate Studies (CDHK) and School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tongji University in Shanghai. He is visiting professor of University of St. Gallen and advisory board member of Institute for Mobility of University of St. Gallen. He studied in Germany and holds an Industrial Engineering Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering of TU Braunschweig. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and was scholar of the Swiss National Science Foundation, visiting scholar of the China Europe International Business School and the Wharton-SMU Research Centre in Singapore.
He teaches EMBA and top executive programs for leading international business schools and universities such as ESMT, ESSEC Business School, ETH Zürich, Mannheim Business School, and University of St. Gallen. He has worked as a consultant for over 15 years. He served as Chief Representative and Chief Investment Advisor of the Haniel Group, a Fortune Global 500 company, in China for 7 years. He gives frequently executive workshops and keynote speeches for both MNCs and “Hidden Champions” such as BASF, Continental, Freudenberg, Heraeus, Leica Cameras, Metro Group, Microport, Mubea, Porsche, Schott, Schindler, and Siemens.
Max J. Zenglein
Max J. Zenglein
Max J. Zenglein’s research focuses on China’s macroeconomic economic development, trade relations, and industrial policy. He also studies the Chinese economic system and the economic situation in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
He has over ten years of experience in the field of China-related economic issues. Before joining MERICS, he worked as an Economic Analyst in Shenzhen and later in Beijing at the German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) Greater China. He received his university education at the University of New York at Buffalo, the Berlin School of Economics and Law, the University of Hong Kong, and the University of Kassel. In 2015, he completed his Ph.D. in political economy with a focus on China.
Associate Prof. Dr. Katja Levy
Associate Prof. Dr. Katja Levy
Associate Prof. Dr. Katja Levy is a sinologist and political scientist and a professor of political science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. Her research and teaching areas include Chinese politics and society, as well as China’s international relations.
In her current research projects, she examines the relationship between the state and societal organizations and their collaboration in providing public goods and services. She has also been observing the effects of innovations and technological developments on society and politics in China, as well as China’s relations with other countries.
Dr. jur. Wolfgang Röhr
Dr. jur. Wolfgang Röhr
Dr. jur. Wolfgang Röhr became an Advisory Professor at Tongji University (China) in 2007 and has been a Senior Research Fellow at the German Research Center of Tongji University since 2014. After studying and completing his legal clerkship in Hamburg, Tübingen, Geneva and Rio de Janeiro and working as an assistant at the Department of Insurance Law at the University of Hamburg, he obtained his doctorate in law from the University of Hamburg.
From 1978 to 2014, he worked in the German Foreign Service, including six years in the political department of the Beijing Embassy, eight years as Consul General in Shanghai, and six years in Berlin as Head of the East Asia Division and Ambassador and Head of the Germany-China Task Force. He also held positions in Geneva, New York, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, and Lisbon. He was a member of the German delegations to the United Nations, the Disarmament Committee, NATO, the European Union, and the Western European Union.