on request
5 days
Certificate of Participation
Prof. Dr. Justin Becker
2460 €
Recognized as Bildungszeit
Knowledge of marketing mindset and methods, knowledgeable information research and factors influencing buyer behaviour represent a basic skill that also helps improve decision quality in operational management.
Learning goals
After completing the course, participants will be familiar with instruments and methods of strategic and operational marketing. They have a deeper understanding of the applicability of the marketing instruments. In addition, they will be able to recognize the opportunities and limitations of the transferability of the marketing approach to individual industries and learn interpretations of terms such as market, product and customer. Participants will be able to plan marketing strategies as well as to design, implement and control operative marketing measures.Content
Basics of Marketing- Mindset, philosophy of marketing
- Basic principles of marketing ethics
- Concepts of corporate management (corporate culture, corporate guidelines, corporate identity)
- Strategic Business Units
- Product life cycle
- Strategic Marketing Planning
- Market segmentation
- Strategic planning
- Portfolio concepts
- Porter and Ansoff
- Positioning
- Marketing tools
- Basic features of marketing controlling
- Services marketing (incl. 7 Ps)
- Capital goods marketing (incl. buying centre)
- Innovation marketing
- Basics of consumer behavior
The course topics are covered in a seminar-style approach which includes lectures, group work and practical exercises. Participants will work on individual sub-topics independently. Critical discussions encourage reflection and participation.
Target group
The course is designed for founders or employees of companies or organizations, in any field.This course is recognized as Bildungszeit according to paragraph § 10 (5) of the Berliner Bildungszeitgesetz (BiZeitG).
Relevant experience as well as interest in marketing are helpful prerequisites for participation in this course.Dates
Currently no dates. If you are interested, please contact us.
Prof. Dr. Justin Becker