On request
2 days
Certificate of Participation
Prof. Dr. Eric Kearney
1140 €
Recognized as Bildungszeit
Empowering leadership and visionary leadership are the most effective leadership styles for influencing and motivating people. They are also typically the most difficult to practice. This course is about providing both a deeper understanding and practical skills in using these leadership styles. It will show the advantages of these leadership styles over other leadership approaches and how they can be applied in very specific situations.
Learning goals
After successful completion of the course, participants will understand which leadership behaviours and styles have which effects and under which conditions different leadership measures are best suited. They will also learn how empowering leadership and visionary leadership can motivate people (and what differences exist between different people in this respect). In addition, they will be able to assess how performance and satisfaction can be equally promoted through leadership. The course will provide critical theoretical knowledge and background, but will focus on the development of useful competencies that can be immediately applied in practice.Content
- Basics of leadership
- Leadership qualities
- Communication in leadership positions
- Empowering leadership style
- Visionary leadership style
- Practical exercise, self-diagnosis and reflection
Target group
This course is designed for anyone who wants to update their leadership knowledge and enhance their practical leadership skills.This course is recognized as Bildungszeit according to paragraph § 10 (5) of the Berliner Bildungszeitgesetz (BiZeitG).
Interest and curiosity in the topic.Dates
The dates will be announced on request.
Prof. Dr. Eric Kearney